A Popular Korean musical genre, K-pop has imposed itself quickly and efficiently to the world through groups like Seo Taiji & Boys, BTS, Bing Bang or Black pink. Very appreciated by a large public today, K-pop has not always been very well-received especially by the South Korean public.
Yang Jong-Il: ahead of his time? .
Yang Jong-Il, a Korean-American singer born in Vietnam, tried to launch his career in South Korea by launching in 1991 his first song titled “Rebecca”. He was greatly influenced by the American musical style. Especially by artists such as Michael or Janet Jackson, Prince or Bobbi Brown. Unfortunately South Korea at that time who was still very conservative and a little xenophobic on the edges was not ready yet to welcome this new style. Moreover, the fact that he publicly assumes his American roots made the South Koreans accused him of stealing the work of the Koreans. Finally, expelled from South Korea, Yang Joon returned to the United States and did his best to survive.
The G-Dragon of the 1990s.
Leader of the famous group of K-pop Big Bang very appreciated by the public alias the King of K-pop G-dragon is a singer and songwriter with his own style of fashion. The South Koreans who love him quickly realize that this is not the first time that this style of music and fashion has been proposed to them. And then they started to remember this artist that everyone rejected because of what he proposed. Thinking on how they are now enjoying what they rejected thirty years earlier. Indeed, the mentalities of the South Korean people have evolved, and it is now much more receptive to a genre of music that had been rejected years earlier. A recognition that comes quite late but isn't it said that it is better late than never?